Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Ek Omkar Satnam

As a kid I was brought up to never question rituals, prayer or God.They were an integral part of my upbringing and I must admit that at times I simply followed them because I was told to.Over the years the faith has remained the same, but I am still in search of the reason behind the belief, or why I was brought up this way.

As I wade through this fog,sometimes I feel the answers are becomming clear with each day.I have begun to believe that prayer was taught to me as a method of learning self-control,moderation and discipline.Even to this day I do not believe that there is a city of Gods in Heaven,where God exists in a definite physical form.I believe God is all the positive energy in this world put to-gether.

When I think of fasting,reciting Mantras,or performing rituals in a disciplined fashion I can only applaud the fore-sight of our fore-fathers.By telling us that all the above would lead to material benefits they first got us interested in religion.When one fasts,one learns self-control.When the stomach is growling and all the best foods are at and arms distance it takes more that self control to look away.If we are able to control this desire for just a few hours I think it is the first step towards a better life.

Life is tricky ,and most often it brings us to a forked road,one that will take us through a dizzying journey where pitfalls are plenty,easy money,compromised integrity,cheating on a loved one.The desire to take this road is strong.
The other road is difficult.Gains are minimal and too much self-restraint is required.At such times only the mind that is tutored to have self-restraint can make a good choice.

I am not fanatically religious.But yet believe that prayer can play a key role in moulding the character of a person.One is never born with a pre-defined character.Like any other physical feature it needs maintainance.For me Prayer is that maintenance.Ofcourse ,I would be foolish to expect all to feel the same way ,as everyone is different ,and what works for me may not work for another.

Many people believe prayer is a way of searching God,or reaching him.I think prayer is a way of searching oneself.


Blogger Keshi said...

**For me Prayer is that maintenance

Spot on!

Great post with a great msg.


5:47 PM  
Blogger think said...

You have a nice blog ther. Came thru' keshi and your name inspired me to drop here.

I am not an ethiest, but I do pray to my mom and then god. I have no timings but think of god when I am alone.
It helps us to relive the pains and being remote.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Neer said...

wisdom speaks! thanks Rupali!

6:16 AM  
Blogger der Bergwind said...

never believed in god, with the parents, family.... the religious overtones n maybe wen the waves tide over, i don ask those formless powers... why it all happened to me:) pains make strong the faith that its just life, a real time fight- no time to pray.

in moments of vacuum, ya, i return to innocence, dayz wen i knew not so many strings of life
gain nothing really, just grow a little strong..

7:40 AM  
Blogger sophie said...

what an engaging beautiful
and inspiring post -

prayer is very very important to
me -
take care:)

5:25 PM  
Blogger Metal said...

Neat post...take a bow!

9:19 AM  
Blogger Vaibhav J said...

Prayer gives me peace of mind and it is an integral part of our inner spiritual and religiuos self.
U r family has brought u up with good ethnic values. Very nice.

7:31 PM  
Blogger Mumbai Guy said...

Fasting - Makes my head heavy and spinning. Have stopped oflate. Just cannot do it for now.

6:19 PM  

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