Sunday, April 27, 2008

A shuttle service ports me from the train station to work each day. Mike the driver a retired public servant, does this job "to keep himself busy" as he says. You can tell that's true. He often has stories of his weekend excursions, skiing, golf ,camping.

The bus stops at a railway crossing each day, much to my chagrin.

The other day ,the gates at the crossing had just been lifted and Mike was about to get going when suddenly a man darted in front of the bus, and crossed to the other side.
Shabby clothes, with a slight limp, he seemed delusional. I assumed he was trying to get to the homeless shelter on the other side, where free coffee and doughnuts are served each morning.

"That kid went with me to school", Mike mentioned casually. I glanced in disbelief one more time at the fellow who had just crossed over.

Two people, two lives and such different outcomes.

Often my arrogance, makes me dispassionate towards such people. I have always believed that life is about decisions and hard work. It is beyond me to believe that over thirty years life never provided a single opportunity to this guy. I have immense respect for those who will use their hands to mould their future. The window washer, the `housekeeper, the lady at the laundromat, the fellow who drives the garbage van, the snow plougher. I would give willingly, to a charity for children, animals or even nature. They have no say , no control over their circumstances. They are often victims of the decisions of others.

I hope someday, I find greater compassion.


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