Monday, August 28, 2006


A week back was on the subway, going to Boston downtown.

A family entered.Four kids and Parents.From their clothes they seemed not very well off.The Lady was gaudily dressed and had cheap cosmetics on.She was looking at other girls in the compartment, eyeing them head to toe. The little girl sitting close to her mom,starting asking her something about the number of stops till their destination or something about when they would reach there.She looked very sweet, her eyes were very inqusitive.Looking at all the advertisements in the compartment.She seemed attracted to colorful pictures.The lady did not answer her questions so the girl persisted. She asked again and again.After sometime the lady yelled at the girl"Shut your mouth!!!"

I was sitting on the bench opposite to them. I was aghast. The poor kid turned her face away.Her eyes almost brimming with tears, but she did not want anyone to see her crying to she looked away.

My heart cried out for her.I felt like getting up and giving the lady a sound mouthful.But I could not.I kept mute.

Made me think, so much is written about how wonderful the relation between a child and a parent is , how wonderful motherhood is,but there are so many people who just don't cope up with it.

What kind of the upbringing was that lady giving her kid? Why bother to raise kids if you are so overwhelmed with that act? Such scars in childhood go a long way in shaping the character of a person.Such kids grow up to be fragile and temperamental personalities.They are insecure.They are indifferent.

Unless they are lucky enough to find a role model in someone else,such kids have a troubled life and are vulnerable to a lot if illegal getaways that are so abundant in society.

Recently , the US Govt passed a bill that allows the sale of the morning after-pill ,over the counter.This is a pill that can be taken in the morning incase one has unprotected intercourse the night before and wants to avoid pregancy.It was available only by prescription earlier ,making it difficult to get.

If it is safe for the girls then I support this move.Instead of bringing kids into this world when you are not going to take care of them I would say ,avoid it as far as possible.

Such people would be doing a huge favour to themselves,the kids and society in general.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Have been away for sometime.Travelled this time to Connecticut for a meeting.Travelling ,surprisingly ,always helps me to rewind a bit.To take stock and gather my thougths.
As I stare out of the window while travelling I cant help but notice other people on the road.The guy with a canoe or a dirt bike tied to his jeep and cruising away on a highway.A lady sitting with her kid on a park bench.The old man in a coffee shop sitting at the corner table,reading or gazing out.
When I look at such people I immediately see a stark difference between them and me,which is their control over their time and routine.
For years now I am bound to a routine, Monday to Friday, 9-5. A fixed schedule, bound to a office chair.So much so that small things like visiting a doctor or dentist during the weekday is a big change and I have to plan way in advance to do so.
And then there are these people, free ,walking ,driving doing things they love on a weeekday at 11.00 in the morning.I envy them, for what they have.I may have a lot in terms of security of a job and stable earning power but while I got this in one hand I gave away my freedom from the other.I just read somewhere that more and more people are taking work with them even on vacations.Being very practical and non-dreamy I think I made the politically right choice by chosing stability and routine over freedom. But sometimes the rebel deep down yearns for attention..

Life is always about decisions.