Thursday, May 29, 2008

Water has always enchanted me.Quite oddly it also scares me.I feel drawn towards the sea ,awed by it's magnificence, belittled by it's expanse. The peaceful sound of waves has always managed to calm the storm brewing inside me.I think of the sea as a different world, with different rules ,where nature overpowers everything.

It is mystical,magical.Essential in sustaining life,water possess the power to take it all away in one sweep of a tidal wave.Matter, caught in a vicious circle, rise to clouds,pour down as a torrent,seep through the soil, make a journey to unite with the sea, only to rise again.

Many years back I had a close encounter with the ferocity of water.A few friends and I held hands to form a chain and ventured into sea. The water was about chest deep.Out of nowhere this huge wave came crashing at us.I panicked at the sight of this wave and broke the chain.The wave lashed at us.I stumbled.Those were the worst few minutes of my life.One is caught offguard by the energy of the wave. While stumbling ,almost by reflex action one tries to find something to hold on,and you find nothing but water.

You try to prevent youself from falling while water has gone into your ears, nose , mouth. You can't breathe and you feel," This is it,I am dying". The body is confused because it's in completely unfamiliar territory.

Fortunately for me the once the wave broke down, I was able to get steady and get out of the water.

I may never have the courage to venture deep into the water ever again.